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Schools Offering Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Bachelor's Degrees

Our 2024 ranking contains 14 schools offering pharmaceutical and medicinal bachelor's degrees.

The best pharmaceutical and medicinal bachelor's degree program in the United States is offered by University of Michigan Ann Arbor. That school offers an excellent pharmaceutical and medicinal bachelor's degree program: five stars for curriculum and four-star rating for teaching.

Check the top schools offering pharmaceutical and medicinal bachelor's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Pharmaceutical & medicinal bachelor's degree schools:

University of Michigan Ann Arbor - Chemistry School Ranking
1. University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Michigan Technological University - Chemistry School Ranking
2. Michigan Technological University

Located in Houghton, Michigan

University of Toledo - Chemistry School Ranking
3. University of Toledo

Located in Toledo, Ohio

Saint Joseph's University - Chemistry School Ranking
4. Saint Joseph's University

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Saint Louis University - Chemistry School Ranking
5. Saint Louis University

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

Illinois Institute of Technology - Chemistry School Ranking
6. Illinois Institute of Technology

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Cleveland State University - Chemistry School Ranking
7. Cleveland State University

Located in Cleveland, Ohio

University of Dayton - Chemistry School Ranking
8. University of Dayton

Located in Dayton, Ohio

MCPHS University - Chemistry School Ranking
9. MCPHS University

Located in Boston, Massachusetts

Northern Michigan University - Chemistry School Ranking
10. Northern Michigan University

Located in Marquette, Michigan

Campbell University - Chemistry School Ranking
11. Campbell University

Located in Buies Creek, North Carolina

York College of Pennsylvania - Chemistry School Ranking
12. York College of Pennsylvania

Located in York, Pennsylvania

University of Baltimore - Chemistry School Ranking
13. University of Baltimore

Located in Baltimore, Maryland

Emory & Henry College - Chemistry School Ranking
14. Emory & Henry College

Located in Emory, Virginia

Chemistry schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Chicago - Chemistry School Ranking
University of Chicago

Located in Chicago, 6 bachelor's programs

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Chemistry School Ranking
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Located in Cambridge, 4 bachelor's programs

Princeton University - Chemistry School Ranking
Princeton University

Located in Princeton, 2 bachelor's programs

Stanford University - Chemistry School Ranking
Stanford University

Located in Stanford, 2 bachelor's programs

University of Pennsylvania - Chemistry School Ranking
University of Pennsylvania

Located in Philadelphia, 5 bachelor's programs

Yale University - Chemistry School Ranking
Yale University

Located in New Haven, 5 bachelor's programs

Columbia University in the City of New York - Chemistry School Ranking
Columbia University in the City of New York

Located in New York City, 4 bachelor's programs

Harvard University - Chemistry School Ranking
Harvard University

Located in Cambridge, 5 bachelor's programs

Johns Hopkins University - Chemistry School Ranking
Johns Hopkins University

Located in Baltimore, 3 bachelor's programs

Rice University - Chemistry School Ranking
Rice University

Located in Houston, 6 bachelor's programs

Cornell University - Chemistry School Ranking
Cornell University

Located in Ithaca, 4 bachelor's programs

Pharmaceutical & medicinal bachelor's degrees by state:

Schools by State1 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in Illinois1 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in Maryland1 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in Massachusetts3 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in Michigan1 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in Missouri1 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in North Carolina3 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in Ohio2 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in Pennsylvania1 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree Schools in Virginia

Other pharmaceutical & medicinal diplomas:

Certificates: 10 schools
Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 36 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 22 schools

Other chemistry bachelor's degrees:

General Chemistry: 1,166 schools
Physical Chemistry: 90 schools
Chemical Engineering: 189 schools
Biological Chemistry: 640 schools
Oceanography and Geochemistry: 48 schools

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