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Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Bachelor's Degrees in Michigan

Michigan Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we have evaluated 3 Michigan schools offering pharmaceutical and medicinal bachelor's degrees, and University of Michigan Ann Arbor is the best option.

Check all Michigan schools awarding medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry bachelor's degrees and chemistry colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other chemistry major or diploma.

MI pharmaceutical & medicinal bachelor's degree schools:

University of Michigan Ann Arbor - Chemistry School Ranking
Michigan Technological University - Chemistry School Ranking
Northern Michigan University - Chemistry School Ranking

Pharmaceutical & medicinal bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

University of Toledo - Chemistry School Ranking
University of Toledo

Located in Toledo, Ohio

Illinois Institute of Technology - Chemistry School Ranking
Illinois Institute of Technology

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Cleveland State University - Chemistry School Ranking
Cleveland State University

Located in Cleveland, Ohio

University of Dayton - Chemistry School Ranking
University of Dayton

Located in Dayton, Ohio

MI chemistry schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

Michigan State University - Chemistry School Ranking
Michigan State University

Located in East Lansing, 6 bachelor's programs

Wayne State University - Chemistry School Ranking
Wayne State University

Located in Detroit, 3 bachelor's programs

Western Michigan University - Chemistry School Ranking
Western Michigan University

Located in Kalamazoo, 8 bachelor's programs

Oakland University - Chemistry School Ranking
Oakland University

Located in Rochester Hills, 3 bachelor's programs

Central Michigan University - Chemistry School Ranking
Central Michigan University

Located in Mount Pleasant, 3 bachelor's programs

Eastern Michigan University - Chemistry School Ranking
Eastern Michigan University

Located in Ypsilanti, 5 bachelor's programs

University of Michigan Dearborn - Chemistry School Ranking
University of Michigan Dearborn

Located in Dearborn, 4 bachelor's programs

Grand Valley State University - Chemistry School Ranking
Grand Valley State University

Located in Allendale, 4 bachelor's programs

University of Michigan Flint - Chemistry School Ranking
University of Michigan Flint

Located in Flint, 3 bachelor's programs

Andrews University - Chemistry School Ranking
Andrews University

Located in Berrien Springs, 3 bachelor's programs

Ferris State University - Chemistry School Ranking
Ferris State University

Located in Big Rapids, 4 bachelor's programs

Kalamazoo College - Chemistry School Ranking
Kalamazoo College

Located in Kalamazoo, 3 bachelor's programs

Kettering University - Chemistry School Ranking
Kettering University

Located in Flint, 3 bachelor's programs

Other chemistry bachelor's degrees in MI:

General Chemistry: 30 schools
Physical Chemistry: 4 schools
Chemical Engineering: 7 schools
Biological Chemistry: 28 schools
Oceanography and Geochemistry: 4 schools

Other pharmaceutical & medicinal diplomas in MI:

Certificates: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 2 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

Michigan chemistry schools by city:

Adrian: 2 schools
Albion: 1 school
Allendale: 1 school
Alma: 1 school
Alpena: 1 school
Ann Arbor: 1 school
Bay City: 2 schools
Benton Harbor: 1 school
Berrien Springs: 1 school
Big Rapids: 1 school
Dearborn: 2 schools
Detroit: 2 schools
East Lansing: 1 school
Flint: 2 schools
Grand Rapids: 3 schools
Holland: 1 school
Houghton: 1 school
Kalamazoo: 3 schools
Lansing: 1 school
Livonia: 1 school
Marquette: 1 school
Monroe: 1 school
Mount Pleasant: 1 school
Olivet: 1 school
Rochester Hills: 1 school
Sault Ste Marie: 1 school
Southfield: 1 school
Spring Arbor: 1 school
Warren: 1 school
Ypsilanti: 1 school

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